Malindi Golf & Country Club offers the following opportunities for branded sponsorship. For further details, please apply to the Club.
All sponsors will be recognised on our website.
Golf Competitions
For a Kshs 60,000/= fee, the course may be reserved for a Corporate weekend competition. Sponsors are invited to brand the club and course as they wish. Additional fees for food and beverage plus prizes to be agreed.
For a Kshs 20,000/= fee, the course may be reserved for a Clubnite competition. Sponsors are invited to brand the club and course as they wish. Additional fees for food and beverage plus prizes to be agreed.
Hole Sponsorship
Holes may sponsored and branded at the Tee. For a period of two years.
Hole 1/10 commands a fee of Kshs 100,000/= p.a. payable in advance
Other holes may be taken in consideration of a fee of fee, Kshs 75,000/= p.a. payable in advance
Boundary Sponsorship
Keeping the boundary protected is a constant drain on resources.
For a Kshs 25,000/= fee p.a, the sponsor may place a billboard facing the road and again the Sponsorship is for two years payable in advance.
Scorecard Sponsorship
For an annual fee of Kshs 75,000/= fee, all scorecards used by players may be branded.