Saturday 1st: Stableford competition for members and their guests. Visitors most welcome.
Tuesday 2nd: Members and their guests Louisiana (scramble) at 4pm followed by dinner.
Wednesday 5th: Clubnite - stableford competition over 9 or 18 holes (your option) from 1:30 pm. Visitors welcome.
Saturday 8th: Eastwood’s Tombstone - Course closed for members only competition sponsored by the Chairman Stuart Eastwood. Dinner to follow.
Tuesday 11th: Members and their guests Louisiana (scramble) at 4pm followed by dinner.
Wednesday 12th: Clubnite - stableford competition over 9 or 18 holes (your option) from 1:30 pm. Visitors welcome.
Saturday 15th: Club Monthly Medal open to KGU and KLGU members. Guests and visitors welcome to play alongside.
Tuesday 18th: Members and their guests Louisiana (scramble) at 4pm followed by dinner.
Wednesday 19th: Clubnite - stableford competition over 9 or 18 holes (your option) from 1:30 pm. Visitors welcome.
Saturday 22nd: Stableford competition for members and their guests. Visitors most welcome.
Tuesday 25th: Club Ladies (KLGU) meeting - 9 holes followed by lunch.
Wednesday 26th: Clubnite - stableford competition over 9 or 18 holes (your option) from 1:30 pm. Visitors welcome.
Saturday 29th: Stableford competition for members and their guests. Visitors most welcome.
Tuesday 1st: Members and their guests Louisiana (scramble) at 4pm followed by dinner.
Wednesday 2nd: Clubnite - stableford competition over 9 or 18 holes (your option) from 1:30 pm. Visitors welcome.
Saturday 5th: Bundotitch Challenge – Ladies v Gents competition for members and their guests.
Tuesday 8th: Members and their guests Louisiana (scramble) at 4pm followed by dinner.
Wednesday 9th: Clubnite - stableford competition over 9 or 18 holes (your option) from 1:30 pm. Visitors welcome.
Saturday 12th: Club Monthly Medal open to KGU and KLGU members. Guests and visitors welcome to play alongside.
Tuesday 15th: Club Ladies (KLGU) meeting - 9 holes followed by lunch.
Wednesday 16th: Clubnite - stableford competition over 9 or 18 holes (your option) from 1:30 pm. Visitors welcome.
Saturday 20th: Stableford competition. Guests and visitors welcome to play alongside.
Tuesday 22nd: Members and their guests Louisiana (scramble) at 4pm followed by dinner.
Wednesday 23rd: Clubnite - stableford competition over 9 or 18 holes (your option) from 1:30 pm. Visitors welcome.
Saturday 26th: Stableford competition. Guests and visitors welcome to play alongside.
Tuesday 29th: Club Ladies (KLGU) meeting - 9 holes followed by lunch.
Wednesday 30th: Clubnite - stableford competition over 9 or 18 holes (your option) from 1:30 pm. Visitors welcome.
Our clubhouse now has a smart new roof - the magnificent generosity of our Lady Captain, Luigina Bernini. So many thanks Luigina. An official ‘raising of the roof’ is planned for November.
The annual challenge was played at Malindi again as we were the defending champions! And the Malindi team prevailed once more! Many thanks to Campari for wonderful sponsorship and a ‘tasty’ evening!
The Senior Golfing Society of Kenya and the Kenya Golfing Society visited Malindi on September 7th for another very successful event. Thanks here to NIC bank for the sponsorship of this event.
Following the superb rains we had this year, work continued on the golf course - separation of holes 3 and 12 and realignment of hole 13 being the priority focus. Thanks to David Hopkins who planted over 100 indigenous trees on the golf course with some financial support from Ignazio Vaccaro.
Roberto Lenzi and two enthusiastic visitors to the golf club have provided funds that will enable us to drill more bore holes which in turn will allow us to extend our irrigation somewhat. Plans are in place to get this done soon. Some further work to advance the proposed Reservoir (a longer term project) is also planned with funds kindly donated by Coca-Cola.